Online Crime Reporting

If the crime you need to report is not listed, you cannot file it online. This includes Stolen Vehicle reports or anything that requires immediate action. The online reporting system is not monitored live, if you need an immediate response, dial 9-1-1.

*Using the online reporting system for anything not listed below will potentially delay our response to your request.

File a Report

Crimes that can be filed online usually do not require an in-person police response.

To file online, the following criteria must be met:

*Seattle residents can file reports of Identity Theft even if they have occurred outside Seattle city limits.

What Happens after I file a Report?

  1. REPORT your crime online. After you complete your report you will see "Your Online Report Has Been Submitted."
  2. RECEIVE a temporary report. You will immediately be given a temporary transaction number. This is your confirmation number but not your official police report number.
  3. APPROVAL of your report. If your report is approved, you will receive an email with the official police report number. This is the number you need to file with your insurance company.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my case be investigated?

What if I need to change my report after I file it?

You will have the ability to file online supplemental reports. If you have already filed a report through the online system, we strongly encourage you to continue to update and add information through this system. This decreases the risk of filing the same report twice, and also makes it easier to keep your information tied to the correct report number.

You will need either:

How long will my report take to process?

If you have already filed a report and realize you need the report approved quicker than 5 days - you can do that by calling the non-emergency number 206-625-5011 and asking to file the report with the Communications Section.

Be sure to tell them you have already filed the same report through the online reporting system, and give them the temporary transaction number you were provided when you filed the report online so they may include it in the narrative of your report.

I'm having trouble using the online reporting system

You must use a Javascript-enabled web browser to access this site. You also must have cookies enabled, and pop-up blockers disabled.

If you would rather not use the online reporting system, you can file a report by calling the SPD Communications non-emergency line at 206-625-5011.

Why can't I report all crimes online?

Victim Follow-Up Report

After you fill out the form, please print and sign, and return to:

Records Section
Seattle Police Department
610 5th Avenue
PO Box 34986
Seattle, WA 98124-4986


If your crime cannot be filed online:

Non-emergency number 206-625-5011

Emergencies - call 9-1-1