Online Divorce
in Arkansas

Deciding to split up legally, Arkansas couples have two options:
- Initiate a contested divorce. This type of legal breakup presupposes spouses being in a disagreement concerning child-related aspects, alimony, or property division. In order to finalize their dissolution, the couple has to hire lawyers who would help them reach consensus and/or represent them during the court hearings. Coming to an agreement is a tough and long process, which takes plenty of time. Apart from that, contested dissolution is extremely expensive.
- File for an uncontested dissolution. Unlike in a contested case, filing for an uncontested divorce, couples agree on all the matters and may not even need legal help. Consequently, such a dissolution requires fewer expenses and takes far less time to be finalized.
However, any type of divorce presupposes dealing with a great amount of paperwork. If you start looking for the divorce forms required for your case on your own, you may end up downloading incorrect or outdated ones. Such a situation will inevitably lead to court rejection. If you want to avoid it, we recommend using OnlineDivorcer.
We are a leading divorce forms provider on the market and have been in the business for more than a decade. Thousands of couples get their marriage dissolutions finalized each year by ordering their forms with us. Working with our team, you will receive all the documents you need to get done with your divorce, and we will carefully fill out each form with the information you provide us with.
To file for uncontested divorce,
you will have to complete
Download our samples of free printable divorce papers for arkansas and reconsider preparing the forms on your own
Filing for divorce in Arkansas without a lawyer
Decided to file for dissolution without legal help? Don’t know where to start? Just follow these steps:
- Check whether you meet the residency requirements. In Arkansas, at least one of the spouses must have lived in the state for 60 days in order to file there.
- Fill out the forms for your marriage dissolution.
- File the documents with the County Circuit Clerk and pay the filing fees.
- Serve the documents to your spouse. Ask any person over 18 who isn’t involved in your divorce case to do it.
- Contact the clerk to find out about the way to schedule the hearing.
- In Arkansas, you have to attend a court hearing. You also need to come with the person who can testify that you or your spouse live in the state and that you no longer live together.
- Wait until the judge reviews the paperwork and signs a divorce decree.